”Nattergal om dagen” er Katrine Hvids anden soloudstilling hos Galleri Lene Bilgrav. Her viser hun en række helt nye værker. Katrine Hvid har en helt særlig minimalistisk stil og en stor nysgerrighed overfor materialer. Hvordan hun omsætter det til kunstværker, kan man se, når udstillingen åbner fredag den 17. november.

Katrine Hvid arbejder i et forenklet og abstrakt formsprog, hvor der er fokus på farven og formen. Samtidig har værkernes motiver ofte et afsæt i den virkelige verden. For eksempel i oplevelser med tidligere tiders ornamentik og håndværk eller oplevelser i naturen, som lagrer sig i hendes hukommelse og finder vej ind i hendes værker, om end det er i en stiliseret og minimalistisk form.

Udstillingens titel stammer fra en af disse oplevelser. En dag blev Katrine fanget ind af at høre en fugl, der lød som en nattergal, der sang om dagen. Oplevelsen gav stof til eftertanke. Måske en undseelig oplevelse, men samtidig stor og righoldig, og den var et af de indtryk, der findes helt tæt ved. Om det er fuglen, der synger, æblerne på træet eller fornemmelsen af et pindsvin, der strejfer foden, så kredser udstillingen om indtryk, der lejrer sig i bevidstheden, og transformerer sig til udtryk. Det handler om, at nærvær og investering af tid kan skabe forankring og forbundethed med omverdenen. I en effektiv tid, hvor tiden er knap, holder kunsten fast i at lade tiden gå langsomt og give en mulighed for fordybelse.

Værkerne på udstillingen er desuden båret af en nysgerrig, undersøgende og detaljeret materialetilgang. Der er grundlæggende fokus på former og farver, og værkerne har ofte et tekstilt præg. Materialerne er hør, ubehandlet bomuldslærred og akryl, og Katrine Hvid arbejder i en langsom proces med malingen og malegrunden, indtil hun når til et punkt, hvor hun er tilfreds.

Katrine Hvid (f. 1966) Hun er uddannet MA i musik fra Århus Universitet. Som kunstner er hun autodidakt. Hun har blandt andet udstillet på Kunstnernes Påskeudstilling i 2014, hvor hun fik tildelt KP-prisen. Hun arbejder også som kurator, og blev i 2018 præmieret af Statens Kunstfond for udstillingen ”Geometric Behavior”.

“Nattergal om dagen” (Nightingale at daytime) is the second solo exhibition by Katrine Hvid’s at Galleri Lene Bilgrav. She will show a number of completely new works. Katrine Hvid has a very special minimalist style and a great curiosity about materials. You can experience how she translates it into works of art when the exhibition opens on Friday, November 17th

Katrine Hvid works in a simplified and abstract style, and she has a focus on color and shape. At the same time the motifs of the works often have a basis in the real world. For example, in experiences with the ornamentation and craftsmanship of earlier times or experiences in nature, which are stored in the memory of the artist and are finding their way into her works, even if it is in a stylized and minimalist form.

The title of the exhibition comes from one of these experiences. One day, Katrine was caught up in hearing a bird that sounded like a Nightingale singing during the day. The experience gave food for thought. Perhaps it was an elusive experience, but at the same time it was large and rich, and it was one of those impressions that can be found nearby. Whether it’s the bird singing, the apples on the tree or the feeling of a hedgehog stroking the foot, the exhibition revolves around impressions that lodge in consciousness and transform into expression. It is about the fact that presence and investment of time can create anchoring and connection with the outside world. In an efficient time, when time is scarce, art insists on letting time pass slowly and providing an opportunity for contemplation.

The works in the exhibition are also supported by a curious, investigative and detailed material approach. There is a basic focus on shapes and colors, and the works often have a textile feel. The materials are linen, untreated cotton canvas and acrylic, and Katrine Hvid works in a slow process with the paint and primer until she reaches a point where she is satisfied.

Katrine Hvid (b. 1966) She has an MA in music from Aarhus University. As an artist, she is self-taught. Among other things, she exhibited at the Artists’ Easter Exhibition in 2014, where she was awarded the KP prize. She also works as a curator, and in 2018 was awarded by the Statens Kunstfond for the exhibition “Geometric Behavior”.