DK – Motiverne i Lars Sarto Hemplers værker er hentet fra den virkelige verden, men det lige så meget værket i sig selv og arbejdet med formen og især farverne, der er det centrale. Drivkraften i værkerne ligger i mødet mellem formen og farven. Farverne kan ligge i mange lag og er rigt tilstede i mange af værkerne. Flere steder er der et sammenspil mellem komplementærfarver og mellem lyse og mørke farver. Flere af værkerne nærmer sig et abstrakt udtryk, og de lever et liv i mere eller mindre afstand til motivernes oprindelige kontekst. I nogle af værkerne er der antydning af horisontlinje og perspektiv, og på den måde antydning af rum i værkerne. I andre er det figurative nærmest opløst, og farven er det, der definerer formen og ikke omvendt. Ved at befinde sig et sted mellem figuration og abstraktion tilfører Lars Sarto Hempler værkerne en spænding og giver dem en åbenhed i forhold til beskueren.
ENG – The motifs in Lars Sarto Hempler’s works are taken from the real world, but it is just as much the work itself and the work with the form and especially the colours that is central. The driving force in the works lies in the meeting between form and colour. The colours can lie in many layers and are richly present in many of the works. In several places there is an interplay between complementary colours and between light and dark colours. Several of the works approach an abstract expression, and they live a life at a more or less distance from the motifs’ original context. In some of the works there is a hint of horizon line and perspective, and in that way a hint of space in the works. In others, the figurative is almost dissolved, and the colour is what defines the shape and not the other way around. By being somewhere between figuration and abstraction, Lars Sarto Hempler adds tension to the works and gives them an openness to the viewer.
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- Lars Sarto Hempler: Festoon of Abstraction, 2024. Olie, akryl og kozopapir på lærred, 130 x 100 cm.
- Lars Sarto Hempler: Possible Rendezvous, 2024. Olie, akryl og kozopapir på lærred, 80 x 60 cm.
- Lars Sarto Hempler: Hour of Darkness, 2024. Olie, akryl og kozopapir på lærred, 40 x 30 cm.
- Lars Sarto Hempler: Disoriented Perspective, 2024. Olie, akryl og kozopapir på lærred, 40 x 30 cm.
- Lars Sarto Hempler: Plaza Nr. 5, 2023 Oil on canvas, 160 x 100 cm.
- Lars Sarto Hempler: Plaza Nr. 4, 2023. Oil on canvas, 100 x 70 cm.
- Lars Sarto Hempler: Plaza Nr. 1, 2023. Oil on canvas, 100 x 70 cm.
- Lars Sarto Hempler: Plaza Nr. 2, 2023 Oil on canvas, 100 x 70 cm.
- Lars Sarto Hempler: Plaza Nr. 3, 2023 Oil on canvas, 100 x 70 cm.
- Lars Sarto Hempler: Plaza Nr. 10, 2023 Oil on canvas, 40 x 30 cm.
- Lars Sarto Hempler: Plaza Nr. 9, 2023 Oil on canvas, 40 x 30 cm.
- Lars Sarto Hempler: Plaza Nr. 8, 2023 Oil on canvas, 40 x 30 cm.
- Lars Sarto Hempler: Plaza Nr.7, 2023 Oil on canvas, 40 x 30 cm.
- Lars Sarto Hempler: Plaza Nr. 6 , 2023 Oil on canvas, 40 x 30 cm.
- Lars Sarto Hempler “Green festoon of abstraction” 2024 Woodcut – 1 colors Paper: Fabriano Rosaspina 220g Format 66 x 50 cm Limited editions of 20 Numbered and signed by the artist. DKK 2.300
- Lars Sarto Hempler “Red festoon of abstraction” 2024 Woodcut – 1 colors Paper: Fabriano Rosaspina 220g Format 66 x 50 cm Limited editions of 20 Numbered and signed by the artist. DKK 2.300
- Lars Sarto Hempler “Pink festoon of abstraction” 2024 Woodcut – 3 colors Paper: Fabriano 220g Format 41,5 x 28 cm Limited editions of 20 Numbered and signed by the artist. DKK 1.800
- Lars Sarto Hempler “Yellow festoon of abstraction” 2024 Woodcut – 2 colors Magnani Pescia White 300g Format 31 x 27 cm Limited editions of 20. DKK 1.500
- Lars Sarto Hempler: On green, 2022. Litografi, ed. 40, 54 x 39 cm. uden ramme. DKK 2.200
- Lars Sarto Hempler: Park still life, 2022. Litografi, ed. 40, 54 x 39 cm. uden ramme. DKK 2.200
- VERSO Benjamin Murphy & Lars Sarto Hempler
- VERSO Benjamin Murphy & Lars Sarto Hempler
- VERSO Benjamin Murphy & Lars Sarto Hempler
- VERSO Benjamin Murphy & Lars Sarto Hempler
- VERSO Benjamin Murphy & Lars Sarto Hempler
- Lars Sarto Hempler: Act Natural
- Lars Sarto Hempler: Act Natural
- Lars Sarto Hempler: Act Natural
- Lars Sarto Hempler: Act Natural
- Lars Sarto Hempler: Act Natural
- Lars Sarto Hempler: Act Natural
- Lars Sarto Hempler: Act Natural
- Lars Sarto Hempler: Trained Trees I-XXXII, 2020. Oliepastel på papir, ca. 30 x 21 cm. uindrammet.