Simon Ganshorn (1985) er uddannet på Glasgow School of Art i 2020 og Det Fynske Kunstakademi, hvor han tog afgang i 2023. Han bor og arbejder i København. Simon Ganshorn går til maleriet på en særlig måde. På den ene side ønsker han at skabe værker, der kommer beskueren i møde, og som er rolige og beroligende. Han siger selv, at han ønsker at skabe ” en visuel kugledyne, et velplaceret hårdt tryk på kroppen, en behagelig visken. Det er den fysiske stimulering af kroppen gennem maleriet, jeg afsøger, og ikke maleriet som medie.”
Kontakt venligst galleriet for mere information om ledige værker af Simon Ganshorn på tlf: 20138004 eller
Simon Ganshorn (1985) graduated from the Glasgow School of Art in 2020 and the Funen Art Academy, where he graduated in 2023. He lives and works in Copenhagen. Simon Ganshorn approaches painting in a special way. On the one hand, he wants to create works that meet the viewer and are calm and soothing. He says that he wants to create “a visual cushion, a well-placed hard pressure on the body, a pleasant wipe. It is the physical stimulation of the body through the painting that I seek, and not the painting as a medium.”
Please contact the gallery regarding information about available works by Simon Ganshorn at phone +45 20138004 or e-mail
- Simon Ganshorn: Der var ingen meldinger om råb og skrig, ingen lyd af smadret gals eller tunge slag. Det hele syntes at være foregået i stilhed, hvilket kun gjorde mysteriet dybere, 2024. Olie på lærred, 52 x 71 cm.
- Simon Ganshorn: The room was bathed in the warm glow of sunlight streaming through weathered curtains, casting a soft, golden hue over the timeworn furniture and faded rugs. Amidst this nostalgic ambiance, two women sat across from each other, their voices hushed yet laden with emotion, 2024. Olie på lærred / Oil on canvas, 180 x 160 cm.
- Simon Ganshorn: In the dimly lit ambiance of an old café in Gdansk, an air of uncertainty hangs heavy, like the smoke that fills the room. The curtains, thick and heavy, shield the patrons from prying eyes, casting shadows that dance in the flickering light. Outside, the glow of yellow and red emanates from the nearby casino, adding to the intrigue of the scene, 2024. Olie på lærred / Oil on canvas, 180 x 120 cm.
- Simon Ganshorn: Curiosity sparked, Arlo delved into the mysterious tome, hoping to unravel its nature. But as he read on, strange occurrences began to unfold around him. Objects in his room would shift and change shape, 2024. Olie på lærred / Oil on canvas, 61 x 42 cm.
- Simon Ganshorn: And so, in the heart of Krakow’s bustling restaurant scene, amidst the clatter of cutlery and the murmur of conversation, the white painting casts its spell. 2024. Olie på lærred / Oil on canvas, 51 x 61 cm.
- Simon Ganshorn: In the end, it was not a grand revelation or a heroic deed that brought Aric peace, 2024. Olie og akryl på lærred / Oil and acrylic on canvas, 52 x 32 cm.
- Simon Ganshorn: Legend has it that centuries ago, a young maiden named Isabella roamed the shores of Tenerife, her heart heavy with longing for her lost love. As she gazed out into the endless Void of opportunity, she found solace in the comforting embrace of her living room ,its waves echoing the rhythm of her hands tapping the table, 2024. Olie på lærred / Oil on canvas, 71 x 48 cm.
- Simon Ganshorn: Solen er så rød.19. april – 25. maj 2024
- Simon Ganshorn: Solen er så rød. 19. april – 25. maj 2024
- Simon Ganshorn: Solen er så rød. 19. april – 25. maj 2024
- Simon Ganshorn: Solen er så rød. 19. april – 25. maj 2024
- Simon Ganshorn: Solen er så rød. 19. april – 25. maj 2024
- Simon Ganshorn: Solen er så rød. 19. april – 25. maj 2024
- Simon Ganshorn: Solen er så rød. 19. april – 25. maj 2024
- Simon Ganshorn: Solen er så rød. 19. april – 25. maj 2024
- Simon Ganshorn: Solen er så rød. 19. april – 25. maj 2024
- Simon Ganshorn: Solen er så rød. 19. april – 25. maj 2024
- Simon Ganshorn ROLIG ROLIG 25.11 – 10.12.2022
- Simon Ganshorn: ”I arrived at this unfamiliar place, I really don´t want to go back”, 2022. Olie på hørlærred / Oil on linen canvas, 115 x 150 cm.
- Simon Ganshorn ROLIG ROLIG 25.11 – 10.12.2022
- Simon Ganshorn ROLIG ROLIG 25.11 – 10.12.2022